Offline Classes

   Distance Learning Off-line is a mode of delivery that does not require online participation. You do not have to come to Or David campus. You will need to follow the directions given in the course syllabus. Complete and submit your assignment and take your exams by the deadlines given in the class calendar and contact the instructor if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. You can usually submit your assignments and exams by e-mail.

Understanding our system:

   Assignments: For each week of the term, you may be asked to complete reading assignments, writing assignments, projects, and other activities. You can work on your own time but you must submit the assignments when they are due. To see what is due and when, please refer to the course calendar/schedule on the syllabus.

   Submitting homework: You may be asked to submit your homework via e-mail, postal mail, or in person. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for instructions on how to submit your work.

   Making questions: In an off-line course, you cannot raise your hand to ask a question; however, you can ask your questions by sending a message to your instructor  by e-mail, postal mail, or fax. You may also contact the instructor by telephone. Your instructor will respond to your question in a timely manner.

   Exams: At different times during the term, your instructor may test your understanding of the material. The instructor reserves the right to schedule a proctored exam.

   Grading: You will be assessed and graded on a combination of factors. For grading policies and grading criteria, please refer to the course syllabus.

More Details ​​​​​​​

  • Online classes at Or David are designed to give you the resources you need, with all course information and materials available to you a week before class starts.
  • Every class is created based on standard learning objectives and presented online using an ordered, accessible framework. Classes include recorded lectures, learning media and visual demonstrations.
  • Each week's assignments, topics and discussions are contained on a tab specific to the week for which they were assigned.
  • As the course progresses, you have access to all the notes, instructor lectures and articles in which you have engaged up to that point as well as the course materials. You can also use Dropbox to send your assignments.
  • Our online courses also emphasize the importance of peer interaction. That is why all our web-based sessions feature robust discussion threads. Many also have group projects, where students reach out to one another via phone and email to complete assignments together.