If you have decided that a distance education is the best way for your education, choosing a good program to fit your needs is very important. With the ever-growing number of options available, there is no need to settle for a distance education degree program that does not completely meet your educational goals.

  The importance of the quality of the methodology should not be underestimated, as education is an investment of both time and money, neither of which you would want to see wasted on a program that would likely not give you the preparation you desire. Our Department of Education maintains a working relationship with accrediting agencies and other education facilities among the countries concerned. Choosing a distance education degree program that has met the standards of one of these institutions can ensure that you will receive a quality education for your investment.

     If practical concerns of work and family make your education goals difficult to achieve in the traditional campus setting, the flexible, self-directed nature of distance education degree programs can make your life easier to manage, allowing you to work towards your goals with less stress and inconvenience. The distance education degree is a path that has become widely accepted and quite popular among busy professionals seeking career advancement, or busy parents who require a great deal of flexibility to fit a good education into a life occupied by family and work obligations.


You can study with us wherevere you are: 

  • Studying without leaving home;
  • Live online instruction (Yes! Real time, real people);
  • Professionally trained and experienced professors; 
  • 2 hours a class, 1 day a week;
  • Customized instruction at your own level, pace and style;
  • Live audio and video using instant messaging tools such as Skype, hotconference and others.

Important factors:

-Our materials are produced in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

- At the end of the course, the student will have a class on how to produce the Thesis with an expert in this area.

- Students area warded a Degree’s certificate when they have successfully completed all the exams and the Thesis.

- Abstracts in English and French are mandatory and must be text only. After each graduation, all approved final e-theses are transferred to the Libraries. 

Our System

    Online teaching and learning is faculty-delivered instruction via the Internet, lecture notes, solutions, and other course materials in PDF format before the lecture date or online access date. This will allow students to download and print course material in advance.

    Structure online discussions Structure the course to capitalize on the threaded discussion format. Use existing textbook material or website readings for “lecture” and guide students through activities and threaded postings for active learning.

    When learners interact with one another, with an instructor, and with ideas, new information is acquired, interpreted, and made meaningful. Such interactions form the foundation of a community of learners. If students feel they are part of a community if learners, they are more apt to be motivated to seek solutions to their problems and succeed. Our goal as distance educators is to develop strategies and techniques for establishing and maintaining ‘learning communities’ among learners separated by space and/or time.

   We "humanize"our course, although we are teaching online, we are still teaching real important people, so it helps if we and students embrace this wonderful opportunity.


      Students study the draft materials in the usual manner and may be asked to undertake any other requirements, for example submitting assignments, attending tutorial sessions, etc. and possibly sitting an examination upon completion of the course . Their comments on and reactions to the teaching can be collected by means of questionnaires and/or interviews and observations and are fed into the process of revising the course materials for 'final' presentation.


You can study with OR DAVID wherever you are: ​​​​​​​